Okay, so I had cold feet for a while. During that time I really thought I would back out for lots of good reasons, but several things have me moving forward:
1. My daughters (and DH) really need to get this behind us. It's like this huge thing in our lives and we can't move on until we get past it.
2. I spoke with 2 old friends who have BM, node biopsies, chemo...... They truly convinced me that being aggressive now is a whole lot better than waiting until I get 'real' cancer as advised by an oncologist at a high risk bc program at a teaching hospital. Of course, it's the flip of a coin whether on not I would ever get invasive cancer, but I don't like the odds.
3. My 'flap' is growing. I have been very focused on 'feeding the flap' and would like to get back to a normal size for me. But, the bigger the flap the bigger the breasts. Don't get me wrong. I will certainly not have huge breasts, maybe a full A cup if I am lucky. BUT, I want the DIEP procedure versus implants, so I have been doing my part to make that happen.
4. I am ready!! I am committed!!
So, I'm in!! I also couldn't have gotten to this point without all my friends, my online friends and my family. I am sending you all my love!!!
Woo hoo! You sound so positive in this post. I love it.
I also am volunteering- if you or really anyone needs extra 'flap' I'm your gal. Oh yeah, I got 'flap'. hehe
Seriously though, congratulations for turning a corner on your decision. Hang tough girlie. You can do this!
That picture fits your post perfectly. Congats on deciding - that's 1/2 the battle. :)
Thanks Teri and Rissa,
Yes, I do feel positive about this. I am actually sending out invitations right now for a once in a lifetime "Feed the Flap" party a week before my surgery. Everyone is bringing a dish, whatever is left over we will 'seal and save' for when we get home. I can't thank you enough for the support you continue to give me. It really boosts me up and gives me confidence that I am doing the right thing for me and my family.
Thanks for sharing this with me. I'm in for whatever you need. Love you.
I love the 'feed the flap' party, that's awesome!! And you're welcome, I've had people there for me during my scary times, and I try to give back. :) It's not going to be easy, but it is possible. Lots have done it before you, and come out the other end happy and whole. You can do this too.
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